“Another hanger on who has not been a regular starter but yet is still at the club and 3 seasons ago was shipped out to the Championship on loan, barely started a game last season and yet is still here on £60k a week, another one who illustrates the gross mismanagement of recent years, and ask yourself this do we really need to pay him that level of wage to keep a bench warmer here and happy, our PSR issues are of our own doing, nothing to do with trying to disrupt the big 6 this is stockpiling horse muck on big wages and long contracts.”
“He’s been here too long now and needs to move on if only for his career.”
“89 appearances for us and he had 36 for Watford, who didn’t want to sign him .I can seriously only remember in all them games only a handful at best where he’s had a decent game . And they were in the Championship”
“He’s a bit rubbish and seems like a bit of a bad egg as well, no idea why we’ve given him extensions.”
“no where near Premier League standard. Shouldn’t be anywhere near our squad but sort of highlights the depths we’ve sunk to.”
“He’s the very epitome of what’s wrong with this squad and, in a bigger sense, this club.”
“Lacks class on the pitch and off it.”
“he’s done some pretty questionable things and has a pretty limited football ability for this level.”
“A bad apple.”
“Not only is he a plonker of a footballer, he’s an ars*h*le off the pitch too.”
“He lucked out by being paid a hideous salary in a team that was best of the rest for the majority of his time here. He’s then put a whole season in jeopardy by taking part in a COVID party, been done for drink driving and been fined for racist tweets, amongst many other things. In what way has he been a good servant?”
“This guy has been getting away with so much off the pitch while being average at best on it. If he wasn’t an academy product he would’ve been shipped years ago.”
“The guy is woeful and would struggle to hold down a place in a championship team.”
“A little under-rated player, by some?..
Am sure that he acknowledges in being daft in the drink-drive incident.”
“He’s a good Leicester servant, blows VERY hot and cold and sadly got caught up in the trappings of being paid shedloads of money for not being very good.
Shame, if he had applied himself a bit more rather than going to parties in Covid, caught in the car over the limit etc. I would suggest a bit more application to the limited ability he had might have meant he might have been a decently better player for us.
BUT in the end he got a 4 year contract out of us last year, when probably he should have been on his way.”
“Wouldn’t say he blows very hot, he didn’t have a stand out season for Watford in the champ, had a few good games last year, one particular stands out, but most as bit part player he averaged about 16 games worth of minutes in total.
Well out of his depth in the top flight, that said he doesn’t seem to lack application when called upon”
“He’s a training ground player.
Not good enough for premier level and can do a job at champonship level but realistically he’d excell in League one”
“probably needed him in the championship, but that was his absolutely max level! If he is so good at that level why didn’t Watford buy him? He is an average championship player that is it, I think he certainly wasn’t the reason we got promoted and we still would have got promoted without him!! Bloke a bit of a nob head too”
“His champ stats, where he started most games were easily the best in the league. Better than our ‘prem’ standard players. You categorically cannot do that unless you are a good footballer. Sorry if you disagree with that point you’re either ignorant, in denial or just a hater – maybe have a look at the stats again and think about your how it hurts. He rarely plays whilst Leicester are getting annihilated in the prem, please tell me why a handful of players receive so much criticism when our so called stars are ran circles around week in week out in the prem.”
I’m not his Biggest fan and I think we’ve moved on from him and need to upgrade but to completely discredit him as a good player for championship standard shows how dense our fanbase is or How many fans have memory loss issues we would have never been promoted if it werent for him.”
“He is our today’s Robbie Savage, limited in the technical aspects & needs to be used in the way that suits his attributes.
If he was told to man mark x star player id imagine he’d come away MotM or if told to cover the defence chopping in tackles he’ll have a decent game.”
“A good squad player. Also hasn’t played hardly at all in the prem this season so he’s never going to be up to speed to play against a 3 man midfield when playing in a 2.”
“he’d be useful if we’re in the championship next season. Being under a transfer embargo and all our best players leaving.”
“Hamzas not brilliant, but no one can do any worse than Justin is at the minute”
“He needs to start over Justin better defender, more of a threat going forward and has the engine to play the hybrid role.”
“how are we losing our best RB”
“Choudhury in a Wilder midfield is a disaster”
“he runs around a lot but isn’t very good at all.”
“He’s a headless chicken”
“If he had a short back and sides he’d be playing league 1 football.”
“Doesn’t qualify as a footballer for me given his complete inability to play a simple pass more than a few yards. Completely the good bits of his game for me.”
“Has virtually no footballing ability”
“Complete lack of awareness as to what’s happening around him when he’s on the ball. No scanning at all.”
“To be fair, he seems to know his limitations, so when he gets the ball in a half decent bit of space he just stops and waits for a teammate to run towards him, rather than attempt and fail a longer pass. Then when there’s a couple of yards between them he plays the nailed on obvious pass that everyone can see coming. Naturally the opposition disrupt it a fair percentage of the time because it’s so blatant. It kills a lot of moves dead before they even get going.”
“He’s clearly a great ball winner, but you only have to look at the amount of times we we’re cut open because he made a mad dash to the wings to try and win the ball.
If he was 21/22 then I’d say he’s worth the money, as a lot of his bad habits could be coached out of him.”
“He makes some great blocks and challenges, but half the time he was the reason the opposition got the space in the first place.
It’s a shame, because I actually like him.”
“He is good at winning the ball then passing it straight back to the opponent”
“I like his energy and ball winning, but he’s substandard on the ball. Just gives it away far too often.”
“He was not the best technically but certainly one of the few who seemed to put the effort in most games. Having said that he managed to give the worst performance of the season of anyone in the first half at QPR.”
“He’s got the footballing equivalent of ADHD unfortunately.
I actually think he’s not too bad on the ball. He can carry it and he’s fairly athletic, it’s just he lacks any quality with his passing”
“It’s really from the sublime to the ridiculous, and kind of defies the point of winning the ball back if you then can’t do anything with it.
I wouldn’t rule him out doing well somewhere else, but considering our major issue with breaking down deep-lying Championship defences this season I’m not convinced he’d be a good signing for us”
“A very good ball-winner at this level, but not good enough for the Prem, and with very little else, you’d think he’d be best in a Championship team who accept they won’t have much of the ball”
“As far as Watford of that season goes, even a basic amount of effort wasn’t a pre requisite with most of them so I’m grateful to Hamza for at least giving that. One of three players to stay till the end and sign something for every single person who waited including my nephew so he has that too.”
“good Championship player”
“Choudhury was a good player, committed and had a decent pass on him.”