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“Imagine if the players that is class today like Ødegaard, Håland, Ajer, Omar, Berge played like this against Serbia…”

“Ødegaard and Berge on a completely different level today, make some mistakes, but now dare to cross joints.”

“Haland is a goal scoring machine, there are Odegaard, Hauge and Berge on the side, this is even clearer”

Man, is that legal demais”

“What a pair Haaland and Ødegaard are with so much future and also sander Berge from Sheffield a crack”

“Hauge, Odegaard, Haaland, Sorloth, Sander Berge, Ajer. HOW MUCH THE FUCK DOES NORWAY GAS ?!”

“Very solid from Berge”

“It doesn’t take much to look good when you have Johansen and Berge next to you”

“Rice at Chelsea? Lol to do what? 60 million for this guy … Sander Berge is stronger”

“As a Chelsea fan we should go for Berge”

“Sander Berge, the 220 millionaire, you will get me cheap from me. big, heavy and everything goes in syrup. Praised”

“Sander Berge is Norway’s worst national team player. Now I may step on some toes, but I’m shitting.”

By Roy

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