“Good game. A nice 3-0 win to finish the season and shake off the bad vibes.”

“The Premier League won’t miss Sheffield United.”

“Who had the worse season derby or Sheffield both shit coming up good riddance”

” Get back to the championship Sheffield. hope the door hits you on the way out”

“Derby were the worst ive seen. 11 points they got. But sheff utd are 2nd worst. “

“haha they were so shit.”

“Can’t see Sheffield or Luton coming back up, Burnley maybe.”

“teabagged these Sheffield bitches right back to the chumpionship”

“Good result but a performance of basic, entry level requirement against a low level team.”

“Vicario may as well had a cup of tea and rolly in that game. Sheff utd are terrible.”

“Without their goalie Sheffield would have let in 200 goals.”

“Screw the Sheffield United keeper. You have conceded over 100 goals before this, wtf you need to play out of your skin today.”

“foderingham had the game of his life today”

“Foddringham turing into Oliver Kahn today”

“Should’ve really been 5/6 but for some poor finishing.”

“Bullyied the last place club on the last day of the season.”

“Early stages were concerning & if Sheffield Utd were a stronger side I think Spurs could’ve conceded.”

“First 10 mins thought we were playing a team at the top of the table. After the goal we dominated and should have been out of sight.”

“Sheffield United cut through us so easily early on, and it got a bit worrying.”

“i do feel kinda bad for sheffield + their fans . . . to get 28 league wins last season to only getting 3, wonder if they think coming up was even worth it regardless of the money”

“Might as well have a look at Hamer from Sheff U, looks to be a lot cheaper than Gallagher and a tidy player as well although not HG tbf.”

“Spurs fans were so very muted. Terrible.”

By Roy

One thought on “View From Spurs”
  1. It was a good game to watch first 15 minutes with poor finishing by Archer and Diaz could have put the game out of reach but poor finishing again
    The referee like others back the top 6 teams and I thought the laugh of the day was the Spurs diving academy, what a bunch of pussies..

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