“Feels like another wasted season will be over, although they all feel like that dont they nowadays.”

“Can we hypnotise Ange into thinking that If Sheffield Win this game then the Gooners have a better chance of winning the league ? “

“Just win.”

“Let’s just win this and get the season over with.”

“Give us a lift chaps, just smash this lot.”

“We’ll batter them. 5th place is ours.”

“I’m confident that we will win this match and win it comfortably.”

“A comfortable win and decent performance is needed for this one. They’re so bad it wont tell us much but dont want to even think about not winning.”

“These have been in Dubai since February, won 3 games all season, haven’t won at home since December, lost 6 AT HOME on the bounce and conceded over 100 goals
Burnley literally went there and battered them 4-1
Shite doesn’t even come anywhere near describing them.”

“Sheff Utd are the worst team I’ve seen in the Premier League, worse than Derby. Conceding over 100 goals.. “

“A nice big win please to finish on a smidgen of a high. And send those cowards back down, humiliated, to where they belong.”

“It’s Sheffield United ffs. 101 goals conceded. One of, if not the worst team in the leagues history. No single Spurs fan should ever be thinking we’ll be losing here.
Even at our worst last season, we went to Leeds on the last day, who were alot better than Sheffield United, and put 4 passed them.
We’ll smash this lot.”

“They haven’t won a home game since December as well as having the worst defensive record in Premier League history. They have zero pride. They’ve shipped 101 goals.They’ve been an embarrassment and will continue to be on Sunday.. “

“This lot are shit, from back to front, proper no hopers, they’ve put some of the worst performances in I’ve ever seen this season. And Sheffield United haven’t been much better either lol.”

“We should smash these but we won’t, we will squeeze past them even though they are shocking
Hopefully we are keeping an eye on Brereton Diaz”

“If we don’t beat these then to be quite frank conference league probably is our level and right now we need to play to our level and grow. I hope that means we get the Europa then but it’s our own fault if we don’t.”

“It would not shock me in the slightest to see us drop points after the mood swing last night and the feeble minded players we have in our team.
Worst team in prem history, last game of the season at their place for some pride?”

“There’s pressure now that Chelsea are right behind us, as bad as Sheffield United are I will be impressed if we produce a routine win and secure 5th place. These players have everything to prove. “

“Two games spring to mind when thinking about this fixture.

  1. The game against them in the cup last season.
  2. The game on the last day of the season in 15-16 when Newcastle were already relegated and they destroyed us 5-1.
    heffield will play without pressure we know our team is mentally feeble. If we concede first yet again we are going to struggle.”

“We needed goals in the 98th and 100th minutes to avoid a home defeat to Sheff United.”

“We absolutely battered them at home. Had about 30 shots. Their goalkeeper was MOTM and we were denied a blatant penalty. Who cares if the goals were in the first 10 minutes or the last 10.
We got a deserved victory. Played well and should have won by about 4 or 5 goals.
And this weekend, as a Spurs fan, I am expecting us to win. We’re the 5th best team in the entire country. Luckily, those away fans will also believe the same.”

By Roy

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